Welcome to Center of Excellence in GNSS and Space weather (CEGS), Thailand

hosted by King Mongkut’s Institue of Technology Ladkrabang (KMITL)

The Center of Excellence in GNSS and Space Weather (CEGS) was established in 2020 under continuous financial support from  

– Program Management Unit for Human Resources & Institutional Development, Research and Innovation (PMU-B)

– National Research Council of Thailand (NRCT)

– National Institute of Information and Communication Technology (NICT), Japan

– Electronic Navigation Research Institute (ENRI), Japan

– KMITL Research and Innovation Services (KRIS)

and others.

This web portal aims to 

  1.  Maintain the GNSS, ionospheric data, and sensor database from the stations which we operate and maintain in Thailand and nearby countries. 
  2. Provide the observation of the followings:
    • Solar parameters, Space Environment parameters and GNSS and Ionosphere graphs
  3.  Provide data downloading service for research.
  4.  Develop data products from these observations and support research operations at our Laboratory.
  5.  Provide NTRIP service from several GNSS stations.
  6.  Disseminate the knowledge and awareness of GNSS, Ionosphere, and Space Weather Effects

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