RTK and PPP-RTK Technology improvement using observed iono delay in the equatorial region

The integer ambiguity resolution (IAR) enabled the precise point positioning (PPP) method, the so-called PPP-RTK [1]. Figure 1 shows the comparison between Real-time Kinematic (RTK), PPP, and PPP-RTK. The faster convergence times are expected if the PPP-RTK user must be corrected the ionospheric delays, which are computed and modeled at the network side. The reason is that their presence significantly affects the resolution of integer ambiguities and, therefore, the solution’s convergence time. Prior to the ionosphere modeling step, the first thing that one should do is to investigate how precise the ionospheric corrections need to be in order to enable faster integer ambiguity resolution, and therefore enable a significant reduction in the convergence time of the PPP-RTK solutions. To estimate the local ionospheric delays in Thailand by applying the PPP-RTK correction model is our main objective.

Fig. 1. RTK, PPP, and PPP-RTK systems comparison [2].


[1] Wubbena G, Schmitz M and Bagge A 2005 PPP-RTK: precise point positioning using state-space representation in RTK networks Proc. 18th Int. Technical Meeting of the Satellite Division of The Institute of Navigation, ION GNSS (Long Beach, CA)

[2] European GNSS Agency. 2019 PPP-RTK market and technology report.